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Sunday, May 24, 2009

Starting A Blog

When starting a blog for the first time you will want to do a bit of research to make sure to avoid some common mistakes - mistakes I made when I was new that I cannot correct now. I came up with these 10 steps to give you a basic outline of what I think you need to start a blog.

You could just go to Blogger or WordPress and within 5 minutes have a basic blog in place but preparing just a bit by using these steps will help you avoid mistakes in the future. Some mistakes like picking your topic, blog title or blog URL aren't that easy to fix later.

If you are just setting up a blog for fun then just go ahead and throw it up because it doesn't matter. You are doing it for fun. But if you want to start a blog to drive traffic to your business website or you want to start a blog so you can make the blog your business you will want to plan your blog carefully.

{img src="boat.gif" alt="Big Boat"}

Use the keyword you are targeting in your post as the alternate text for the image. It is just another way to help the search engines put 2 and 2 together.

If you want to read more about HTML and images visit the W3Schools site.

Step 10: Backlinks

The last, but very, very important step, is getting backlinks. Once you have your blog setup the way you want and are writing posts on a regular basis you should search out people to exchange links with.

You want other bloggers and websites owners to link to your site USING YOUR KEYWORD OR KEYWORD PHRASE!

This site is called the Business Blogging Guide but when I try to get people to link to me from their site I DON'T USE THOSE WORDS. How many people do you think actually type business blogging guide in the search engines to find my site? Not too many.

So, I use keyword phrases like business blogging, learn how to blog, blog marketing, etc. Those are phrases people are more likely to use to find me.

Figure out what keyword or keyword phrases people may type to find your blog and get people to link to your site using those words. Have them place the links directly within the content of their site, like within a blog post.

If you want to trade backlinks feel free to email me and put the word BACKLINKS in the subject of your email. I have a lot of blogs and can always use more backlinks.

These are some of the top things I think you need to do to have a successful blog and to help you not make the mistakes I did when I was first starting out. A little planning in the beginning when you are starting a blog will help you become more successful faster!


Forex Trading Guide

Why Trade in Currencies?
There are 10 major reasons why the currency market is a great place to trade:
1. You can trade to any style - strategies can be built on five-minute charts, hourly charts ,daily charts or even weekly charts.
2. There is a massive amount of information - charts, real-time news, top level research - all available for free.
3. All key information is public and disseminated instantly.
4. You can collect interest on trades on a daily or even hourly basis.
5. Lot sizes can be customized, meaning that you can trade with as little as $500 dollars at nearly the same execution costs as accounts that trade $500 million.
6. Customizable leverage allows you to be as conservative or as aggressive as you like (cash on cash or 100:1 margin).
7. No commission means that every win or loss is cleanly accounted for in the P&L.
8. You can trade 24 hours a day with ample liquidity ($20 million up)
9. There is no discrimination between going short or long (no uptick rule).
10. You can't lose more capital than you put in (automatic margin call)
Fair Warning
This tutorial is designed to help you develop a logical, intelligent approach to currency trading base on 10 key rules. The systems and ideas presented here stem from years of observation of price action in this market and provide high probability approaches to trading both trend and countertrend setups, but they are by no means a surefire guarantee of success. No trade setup is ever 100% accurate. That is why we show you failures as well as successes - so that you may learn and understand the profit possibilities, as well as the potential pitfalls of each idea that we present.
The 10 Rules
1. Never Let a Winner Turn Into a Loser
2. Logic Wins, Impulse Kills
3. Never Risk More Than 2% per Trade
4. Trigger Fundamentally, Enter and Exit Technically
5. Always Pair Strong With Weak
6. Being Right but Being Early Simply Means That You Are Wrong
7. Know the Difference Between Scaling In and Adding to a Loser
8. What is Mathematically Optimal Is Psychologically Impossible
9. Risk Can Be Predetermined, but Reward Is Unpredictable
10. No Excuses, Ever
Trading is an art rather than a science. Therefore, no rule in trading is ever absolute (except the one about always using stops!) Nevertheless, these 10 rules work well across a variety of market environments, and will help to keep you grounded - and out of harm's way.

Google Page Rank

5 Steps to Increase your Google Page Rank.
1. Join forums, forums are a great way to achieve links to your website. In most forums you are allowed to have a signature and in your signature you can put a link to your website. But another important note to look on is making sure the forum is somewhat related to your website. You will still get credit if it's not, but if it's related to your website than you will be accomplishing two tasks at once. 
You will be advertising for your website (bringing in targeted traffic) You will also be building your websites presence.
Your websites presence is very important to your survival. The more people see, or hear about your website the more credibility you will have and this increases your chances of having these visitors come back and possibly become leads.
2. Submit to search engine directories. Search engine directories are a good way to get a free link to your website. They also increase your chances at being listed higher on popular search engines like Google, and overture.
Most search engine directories allow you to submit to their website for free. This will allow you to increase your web presence by being listed on another search engine, and it will also be a free link. 
Remember the more links you have the higher your PR will be
3. Using ezine ads (or newsletters). Creating an ezine will probably be the most beneficial step you can take to increasing your web presence. When you create an ezine you will be able to keep visitors coming back to your website for more by using signatures and giving special deals. 
Ezine's will also allow you to increase your back links. By creating an ezine you can submit your information about your ezine to an ezine directory. This directory will than link to your website(thus giving you a free link).
4. Creating and publishing articles. Articles are an easy source of generating new traffic. You can include your signature in your article. This will bring in more traffic from article submission directories. 
Your signature usually consists of 4 to 8 lines. Usually the first line would be the title of the website that you are trying to advertise. The last line would be the link to the website and the lines in between these would be a sales pitch to draw your viewers into your website.
5. Links from related websites. Gaining links from related websites can be one of the most frustrating tasks you can attempt. 
They are very easy to find, but can be somewhat difficult to obtain links from.
To find related websites, all you have to do is go to a search engine... say Google... and type in your subject. Maybe your website is based on ford mustangs.
You go to Google and type in ford mustangs, than you look around for pages that are somewhat related to your website. After you have done this (which should be very easy) you have to contact them in some way to get your link posted on their website. This can be the most difficult task because a lot of webmasters ignore e-mail's from people requesting links because they don't see the importance of it at the time. Some other reasons could be that they are rarely online, or they delete spam mail and sometimes delete their important emails in the process.
Important note: When looking for link partners don't just link with websites that have a page rank of 4 or higher. Link with anyone and everyone you get a chance to. If you link to someone that has a page rank of zero, this will not hurt your page rank. It will only increase it because you are getting a link back to your website. Google doesn't look at your back links page ranks to determine what yours is going to be. It simply looks at how many back links you have.
So if Google one day decided to link to a website that was just created and this website has a page rank of 0 and has a domain that goes something like this: mywebsite.geocities.com it's page rank wouldn't increase even though Google's page rank is 10, it's rank would still be zero because it would only have that one back link.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Tips, Tricks & Info

How to get referrals

Below are listed the most commen ways to get referrals, listed by the most profitable to the less:

a) Exchanging registrations - register under someone on a PTC that he/she has registered, while the same person registers under you at a PTC you are registered at;
b) Advertising - advertise your referral link anywhere online you see fit and are allowed to (forums, advertising on PTC websites, free classified ad websites, creating a blog and publicizing it - will let you publicize all your referral links at once -, traffic exchange websites, social websites, emailing your friends...). Your referral link can be found in the 'member' area of a PTC, and has a similar format to: http://www.ptcwebsite.com/id=yournickname.
c) Purchasing - purchase referrals on the PTC you're registered at.

Note that purchasing referrals has it's downsides as you might end up spending money on referrals that stop clicking after a short while. Another thing worth mentioning is that most PTC websites that allow you to purchase referral packages are likely Ponzi Schemes (see 'Scam PTCs' below)

Unsustainable PTC Websites
Unsustainable websites cannot afford to maintain themselves online as websites need to pay for multiple things in order to stay online, including their domain name and the enormous traffic it generates;

An unsustainable site is likely to:

a) close down after a few days and not pay any of it's members;
b) turn into a scam website (see 'Scam PTCs' below).

To see if a website is sustainable you should check their advertising rates and their pay-per-ad-view rates on their "advertisment purchases" section - view example ahead for clarification.

Say i want an ad to be viewed 1000 times.
Let's say the website's advertising rate is $10 for 1000 visits.
$10 = 1000 cents
1000 cents (devided by) 1000 times my ad is to be viewed (equals) 1c per ad view
1 cent per ad is the pay rate

From the moment that the PTC website pays it's users 1 cent or more per ad view it is not making a profit, and is unsustainable.

Scam PTCs [Ponzi Schemes]
Scam PTC websites usually:

a) show tens of high valued, self-sponsored ads - these ads are not bought by advertisers, but instead are put up by the PTC itself;
b) have high referral commissions;
c) have thousands of users register in a short amount of time.

You can spot a self-sponsered ad if it a) shows repeatedly on the ad page, b) advertises a giant company like Nike (Nike reaches millions of people through T.V. They just don't need an extra couple thousand to sell their product). I risk advising you to think with a little logic when looking at ads at a new PTC; some ads simply make no sense in being paid to be shown; for example, a www.google.com ad..

When a PTC website advertises self-sponsered ads only, it is a sign that it has no real advertisers and isn't making a profit, therefore cannot possibly afford making payments. If payments continue being made after a couple of weeks the website is a probable Ponzi Scheme; it makes payments using money received from it's members' investments (referral purchases and membership upgrades) and will only make payments as long as it's users invest in it.

Although payments are made in Ponzi Schemes, the amount of money that the website's users make is always higher that the amount of money the PTC makes with investments, so Ponzi Schemes are always a definite fail only depending on how long users continue investing in it.

Quick Tips
Read about a PTC before you invest
Join PTC forums or use a search engine to read about other people experiences with the website to gather information. You might find quick results searching for the combination "[ptc website name] scam".

Investing in PTCs
When purchasing referrals - especially on new PTC websites-, wait until you get your money back, on your first investment. Shortly after you will make nothing but profit.

Too Good To Be True
Roughly calculate your potencial earnings when using a website that offers you easy money. Because "If it's that easy to make alot of money, with the less amount of effort possible, why would anybody even have a day job?"

Payment Proof Images
Seeing payment proofs for a new PTC website does not guarantee that the PTC is not a scam. If you see an unsustainable PTC with payment proofs, it's most probably a scam.

Scam websites usually issue a few payment proofs when it launches in order to gain people's trust.


a) some users join new PTC websites and immediately invest in referrals and premium memberships. This helps them reach payout very quickly and post payment proofs.

b) a fake payment proof image can easily be created using Paintbrush

Passwords & PTC Websites
Try and avoid using the same password when registering on each PTC website you register at (it is even not a good idea to use passwords you use for other things like your email account, forum or gaming accounts).

PTC websites can be created by anyone, and we have seen that some PTC websites are scams.

The PTC's administrator will have access to your login details and can cross test them with other sites he/she knows you've registered at, and hack your account.

Create passwords composed of random digits, symbols and letters and let your browser store them.

$1 per Email from Paid To Read Websites
Websites that offer you $1, $10 or more per email will not pay you, ever. PTR websites are just like PTC websites except they send you an email with the ad, and there's nothing to justify advertisers spending more money on PTR websites.

Basic Ptc Info

What is a PTC Website?

PTC stands for 'Paid To Click' and is a term used to classify websites that pay you to view online advertisements

Registering at PTC websites is 100% free. All you need is an email address, and an e-commerce account - which is also free. (see 'Payment Processors' below).

Values for each advertisement you view widely range, from hundreds of a cent ($0.0001) to a couple of cents ($0.05 - in rare occasions) each, and depend on the PTC you register at.

The most common ad values range from a tenth of a cent ($0.001) to half a cent ($0.005) per ad.

Although low, your earnings can increase drastically by inviting people to register at the same PTC you are registered. Once someone joins a PTC under your invitation, you will also start earning a commission based on their own earnings - aka 'affiliate marketing'. (see 'How to get referrals' in the next section)

Another way to increase earnings includes upgrading your free membership. Payed memberships boost ads views and referral comissions.

Another way of earning more is joining multiple PTC websites.

PTC websites earn money by selling visits to an ad, to advertisers. An advertiser that wants to advertise a service or a product pays the PTC to show his ad to us registered users. The PTC then pays us users to view the advertiser's ad. A small percentage is retained by the PTC to pay for maintenace (domain name, traffic, and other techincal requirements) and profit.

Paying people to view ads is a win win situation as advertisers get alot of people looking at their products in a short amount of time, and we users can make money just by looking at ads

How to?
After registering at a PTC, navigate to the advertisement section and click on a link (ad). You are then taken to a new web page containing the advertisement and a small timer. Viewing the advertisement until the timer runs out earns you the value of that ad.

Only after earning a minimum amount of money can you request a payment (see 'Payment Requests' below)

Payment Request
To be able to receive a payment from a PTC you must have an account at an e-commerce website (see 'Payment Processors' below). Each PTC uses it's e-commerce website of choice, so you have to register at whatever e-commerce website the PTC works with to get paid.

The minimum amount of cash earned before requesting a payment range between just a couple of cents to a few dollars, depending on the PTC.

After requesting a payment, your earnings will be transfered to your e-commerce account after a certain amount of time. Depending on the PTC, payment are:

a) Instant - your payment arrives a few seconds after you requested it;
b) Delayed - your payment arrives within the time frame that the PTC has stated in it's Terms Of Service ("TOS" link on each PTC website).

From your e-commerce account you can either transfer your funds to your regular bank account (limits are imposed to certain countries, so read the e-commerce website TOS and see if you country is available to receive payments, before your start earning money), or you can use your money for online shopping.

Payment Processors
Payment Processors are virtual online banks. They allow you to have an online bank account, from where you can send and receive money, pay for multiple services and shop online.

Although free to join, registration in restricted to age and country, so check each e-commerce's website before trying to use them.

Notice also that some transactions/payments carry a low fee.
Just look to the Side it is been labeled Payment Processor

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Alertpay News

The most widely used payment processor by PTCs, Alertpay, adds new Features for the benefit of its Business and Personal Pro account holders. Aside from the new Multi-Checkout feature, here are another two new and improved features-

Mass Pay – If you have weekly payouts like commissions or referral payments, this is a fast and effective tool for you. With this improved feature, you can view past batch payment details and locate individual payouts without effort. You will also know right away which payments succeeded and which did not so you can send them again. Please visit the Dev forum for more information: CLICK ME

IPN Upgrade – Many of our sellers have to contact us when they do not receive an IPN post for a specific transaction and we have to send it again. Since this is an inconvenience for our Business account members, we now send up to nine IPN posts until we get confirmation that their server has received the post. Please visit the Dev forum for more information: CLICK ME

This will surely help PTC owners and many other Alertpay merchants out there, making there business a little less stressful.

What is PTC Site?

What’s this “Paid to Click” programs?

As what the phrase says these are programs where advertisers pay you after clicking or viewing their advertisements for about 10-30 seconds. Every successful clicking or viewing = $0.01 credit to your account. Good PTC sites are probably the best way to make money on the internet and best of all they are legal and free to join. Paid to click is an easy way to make money online if you keep your advertising budget low. Here’s how it works in a nutshell: Advertisers need low cost advertising and they are willing to pay for the visitors.

What is a PTC site?

PTC programs are NOT a Autosurf, Multi-Level Marketing, Pyramid, Ponzi, Matrix or “Get Rich Quick” scheme.

PTC sites are new innovative, international and FREE English based services that allow advertisers to reach thousands of potential customers by displaying their ad on their “Surf Ads” page. An exact calculated percentage of all advertising revenue is paid to their members (that’s us!). PTC sites make money via advertising, other advertising sources throughout the website as well as earning through direct sponsorship of other members, just like a regular member does.

Is it free to join?

Absolutely yes! You don’t need to spend a single dime upon signing up or even if you are already earning. So there’s no reason not to join. No risk at all!

How do I earn?

You earn by just clicking and displaying the Ads for 20-50 seconds that can be found on your login page after signing up. 8+ advertisements are available to click on each Trusted PTC site everyday. You will earn much much more money if you refer the program to your other friends. You will also earn on every click they make so invite as many friends as you can after joining.

Below is an example of your potential earnings based on averages:

» You click 10 ads per day = $0.10

» 20 referrals click 10 ads per day = $2.00

» Your daily earnings = $2.10

» Your weekly earnings = $14.70

» Your monthly earnings = $63.00

Reminder: Click & display the ads one at a time or one after the other in order for your earnings to be credited to you.

How do I get my earnings?

If you have already reached the minimum payout, you can now cash it out via paypal or alertpay. These are account-managing systems in the internet and are currently known to be the safest. After cashing out, login to your paypal or alertpay account and click the ‘withdraw’ feature so that your money will be transferred to your debit card. After that, you can now withdraw your money through accredited atm machines.
What’s this “Paid to Click” programs?

As what the phrase says these are programs where advertisers pay you after clicking or viewing their advertisements for about 10-30 seconds. Every successful clicking or viewing = $0.01 credit to your account. Good PTC sites are probably the best way to make money on the internet and best of all they are legal and free to join. Paid to click is an easy way to make money online if you keep your advertising budget low. Here’s how it works in a nutshell: Advertisers need low cost advertising and they are willing to pay for the visitors.

What is a PTC site?

PTC programs are NOT a Autosurf, Multi-Level Marketing, Pyramid, Ponzi, Matrix or “Get Rich Quick” scheme.

PTC sites are new innovative, international and FREE English based services that allow advertisers to reach thousands of potential customers by displaying their ad on their “Surf Ads” page. An exact calculated percentage of all advertising revenue is paid to their members (that’s us!). PTC sites make money via advertising, other advertising sources throughout the website as well as earning through direct sponsorship of other members, just like a regular member does.

Is it free to join?

Absolutely yes! You don’t need to spend a single dime upon signing up or even if you are already earning. So there’s no reason not to join. No risk at all!

How do I earn?

You earn by just clicking and displaying the Ads for 20-50 seconds that can be found on your login page after signing up. 8+ advertisements are available to click on each Trusted PTC site everyday. You will earn much much more money if you refer the program to your other friends. You will also earn on every click they make so invite as many friends as you can after joining.

Below is an example of your potential earnings based on averages:

» You click 10 ads per day = $0.10

» 20 referrals click 10 ads per day = $2.00

» Your daily earnings = $2.10

» Your weekly earnings = $14.70

» Your monthly earnings = $63.00

Reminder: Click & display the ads one at a time or one after the other in order for your earnings to be credited to you.

How do I get my earnings?

If you have already reached the minimum payout, you can now cash it out via paypal or alertpay. These are account-managing systems in the internet and are currently known to be the safest. After cashing out, login to your paypal or alertpay account and click the ‘withdraw’ feature so that your money will be transferred to your debit card. After that, you can now withdraw your money through accredited atm machines.

Paid to Click Sites or simply "PTCs" provides an easy way to earn some money online while sitting in front of your computer. Infact PTCs are the easiest way to Earn Money Online or Make Money Online (MMO) as we say, without any skills required and No Investment as all PTCs are free to join. Basically, PTCs act as an intermediary between advertisers and consumers --the advertiser pays for displaying Ads on the PTC website and a good part of this cash generated goes to the consumer when he views the advertisements. This is PTC show Trusted Ptc sites work. Unlike Affiliate Marketing, setting up an account in PTCs is easy and free and that they pay commissions even if visitors never make any purchases. Payment form these sites is just a cakewalk, they directly transfer your earnings to PAYPAL or ALERTPAY the two safe and secure Online Payment Processors which are both free to join and need only a valid email address to register. You can then can use that money for all your online transactions through them and even can withdraw to your bank account.

How to Earn Money in PTCs?

Earning money in Trusted PTCs is very simple. When you sign up to these PTC programs, you get paid to click on ads and visit websites. The process is easy; usually they will provide 4-10 ads per day for you to visit. You simply click on a link and view a website for 20-30 seconds to earn money. Regular price for one visited website is 0.005-.01 cent. Not only this you also make money from your referral clicks. Referrals are those to whom you directly refer or who signs up using your referral link which each PTC gives you. So depending on the number of referrals you can make a lot of money through PTCs even 300-500$ per month easily by just spending few minutes daily. So there is NO real Limit of the income you can make with PTCs. It depends on how consistent you are in opening the sites daily & clicking all ads. It depends on how you do the marketing of this new business and how many active members join under you.

Are All PTCs Legitimate?

Absolutely No and this is the reason behind creating this blog. There are 100s of PTCs around internet but only a few of them are legitimate. I must admit that at the beginning of my career here I was scammed by more than 50 PTCs but now after a spending a long time with here I know a lot about them and so sharing all my knowledge about them with you so that you don't have to go with the same stage as me. I will not say that this is the only blog which will protect from PTCs but I will definitely say that to be informed about PTCs you must follow a PTC News site or blog otherwise you will end up with a lot of scams. And if you are not tracking a PTC blog until now then you have one now to follow. I will assure you that you will always be updated with the latest news about PTCs including the latest scam PTCs and the newest PTCs coming.

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